Divadelní soubor HOP-HOP Ostrov

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Semináře - Workshop









Luděk Richter

About the lecturers: I was born almost in the middle of the last century and soon after that I startet with theatre -a little bit with puppets. I was apprenticed to a typographer, graduated in the Faculty of Artsof the Charles University and theatre direction in the Theatre Academy and meanwhile Iconducted some children and young groups in summer camps, theater groups, I have beensedulously attending festivals of children, young and experimental theater, theater forchildren and puppet theatre, I have been teaching in different theater schools, conducting alot of workshops and seminars including discussions on performances and I have writtenabou thirteen books concerning theatre. Not to forget: I have been writing screenplays,producing staging, directing, loading up the staging, driving, unloading and arranging, acting,breaking up, loading up and driving - and still I like theater a lot.

1 Drums workshop – playing in drums ensemble
Bubenická dílna – hra na bicí nástroje v souboru

During the workshop, we are going to learn to feel and create rhythm by playing on marching and percussion drums. We are going to practise even feeling of rhythm by the help of simple ostinated pattern, but mainly, we are going to work on repertoire of marching and latin-american pieces, which we are going to perform during the ceremonial parade in the end of festival.

Petr Tyr:
Graduate at Conservatory in Teplice (subject: percussions instruments), teacher of percussions instruments at elementary artistic school in Ostrov. In the present he plays in rock and noise-folk bands. In recent past time he acted as jazz bigband drummer. During his professional experience he has been takeing a part in symphonic orchestras.He conducts percussion ensemble at elementary artistic school in Ostrov which periodicallyperforms. He conducts percussion ensemble at elementary artistic school in Ostrov which periodically performs.



  1. (Do Not)Fight

Do you enjoy every moment when you can be active and on the move? Do you want to learn how to coordinate your body? Are you interested in mastering the technique of combat scenes convincingly and safely for yourself and all participants? If you're up for a new challenge, don't hesitate to sign up for a movement workshop. We will train combat technique, improve control of our bodies, learn to cooperate with a partner, and master the overall coordination required not only on stage but also in everyday life.


Petra Antlová is a graduate of the Theatre Faculty at the Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno, where she gained experience in the fields of theatrical arts. In addition to theatre, she also devotes herself to music, which she is currently studying remotely at the conservatory in Pardubice. She is one of the founders of a new venture called Lumos in Brno, where she actively participates in the leadership of the local theatre as the artistic director. She also leads a local theatre ensemble and collaborates on the creation and direction of theatrical productions. Her goal is to pass on her gained experiences to others and inspire them to develop their own creativity and artistic expression.



3.Ground and Aerial Acrobatics


During this workshop, we will cover the basics of several circus techniques focused on acrobatics. We will focus on partner acrobatics and aerial silks. We will gradually become familiar with the basic positions and movements of both acrobatic techniques. The lessons will help us become more aware of our own bodies, perceive our partner, and work with them in our movements. The workshop will be focused on working in pairs, groups, and on developing acrobatic elements based on individual abilities.


Eliška Failová - has been performing as a performer with the Ignis Fire Theater for several years, and is currently systematically studying new circus acrobatic techniques. She organizes regular acrojams for the public in Ostrov and Karlovy Vary, and under the supervision of Cirqueon, she is preparing to create a new circus center in the premises of a former industrial building in Karlovy Vary.


  1. Body, Music, Theatre.

Lets make your fav song in theater. Movement, beat, love and you.

The movement workshop “Body, Music, Theatre” is based on the analysis of our selected songs. What is the song about? What feelings does it evoke in us? How to show this information to the audience through your/our body/bodies? How to visually process the music through movement theatre? In this workshop you will move, dance, sweat and enjoy!


Filip Janouch is a graduate of the Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts (Theatre and Education). Since 2014, he has been acting in Reversing Door - an independent theatre group that uses the principles of collective devising theatre during the creative process. With this group, he has participated in many international theatre festivals over the past few years, including Bulgaria, Austria, Germany, France, Israel, and Lithuania. Since 2015, he has been teaching at a Basic School of Art. Apart from teaching, he leads international Erasmus+ projects and has participated with students in mobilities in England, Estonia, Portugal, Turkey, Norway, and Romania. His favorite country is India, where he returns repeatedly to perform theatre. In his free time, he creates live visuals during DJ shows. He loves moving on stage and dancing the night away.


  1. Modern and Contemporary workshop 

Workshop aimed at creating a joint modern choreography with an emphasis on the individuality of each participant. Due to its technique, modern dance is often compared to ballet, it is very unpredictable and completely different from other dance styles. The modern dance style combines creativity, sensitivity, emotions, dance acting, and effortless natural body movement with its fluidity and distinctiveness. Modern and Contemporary dance is a good choice for anyone who likes to express their story, thoughts, feelings through dance.

Lucie Bursíková's dance career began in 2008 with the dance group Mirákl. Her favorite styles are Jazz dance, contemporary modern dance, and show dance. She started creating choreographies at the age of around fifteen, when she began creating solo choreographies for children and junior categories.
Our performances are successful not only in the Czech Republic but also on a global scale. Together with the dance group Mirákl, we are multiple Czech champions and also hold the title of world champions. Currently, I am studying at the Faculty of Education at Charles University in Prague.


  1. Photography workshop

Photography is a modern medium through which art can be discovered, created, and multiplied in infinite ways. Therefore, in the opening lesson with the workshop participants, we will explore the magic of the image in the form of still life. We will try to create one such image ourselves. During the creation of this piece, we will use all our aesthetic sensitivity, senses, and a little theory to achieve proper composition and end with acquired technical knowledge of using a camera. Next, we will demonstrate how emotions and communication work with our facial expressions, and how we can create modern works of art from them. For this understanding, we will use practical communication workshops, so that the participants can try it themselves and, above all, experience it. And since the advantage of photography is the endless possibility and variability of multiplying photographs, workshop participants will try out and handle various types of prints. They will print out the best photos themselves and take them home. By the end of these two workshops, participants will know how to work with a camera, composition, emotions, and on the third day, we will start photographing a reportage. We will try it out on other workshops that are taking place during the festival. We will discover the possibilities, pitfalls, and benefits of this specific not only photographic genre.
You can participate with a digital camera or smartphone.


Dominika Jandáková

I am a young photographer from the Krušné Hory (“The Harsh Mountains”), for whom no weather or environment is harsh enough. I graduated from a Secondary School of Art and Design, majoring in Photography and Applied Media. Currently, I am a media studies student at Metropolitan University. Throughout my studies, I have been exploring and photographing. I love capturing emotions, so I focus on them in all genres of photography. As a result, I have become a silent observer not only of families and their lives but also of weddings and other events!

You can find my work at www.dostalovaphoto.cz and get to know me more on my Instagram, fotografkadostalova_dominika.


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